Thursday, May 8, 2008

Conversion is The Result of Regeneration-Part 2

Last time we ended the post by saying that, Repentance gives to the mind, a just sense of one's sins, and also, an appreciation, of The Redemption and Grace in The Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, what are the evidences of repentance unto life/
Now, we aren't forgiven upon repentance, because it, in any way compensates, takes away, or diminishes the desert of punishment;
but, because of the respect, that repentance has to compensation, already made.

Now, get this truth; ALL SIN IS AGAINST GOD.
It is infinitely heinous because it is against The Infinite God.

Sin, therefore, has infinite demerit, and stirs up, within the infinite Saviour, an infinite indignation for sin.
There can be no repentance answerable, to the heinous demerit of sin, and there can be no infinite sorrow for infinite sin, by the finite sinner.

God does not forgive the sinner on the grounds of his finite sorrow, but on the basis, of the infinite punishment of man's infinite sin in The Death of The Infinite Saviour, and the repentant sinner's respect, for that infinite sacrifice.

The soul of the repentant man is careful, to discriminate between good and evil, light and darkness.
His soul struggles against every unholy propensity, every sinful habit.
He exercises himself, to have a conscience, void of offense toward both God and Man.

This is no temporary change in his life.
His whole course of life, is one of repentance, and will not be completed, until he is made perfect, in Glory.
The Will to Repent, is subject, to God's turning of one.
God's turning of one, is not subject to the sinner's will to repent.

Now, I want to clearly state that, Conversion is as natural, to The Regenerated Person, as motion is to a living Body.
A Principle of Activity will produce Action.
Therefore, the principle of grace, wrought in the heart, in Regeneration, produces a condition of life, that reflects his position in Christ.

Holy Ghost Conviction is part of a conversion experience, which is, the fruit, of the work of
Without Holy Spirit Conviction, the sinner cannot see, that his sin, is against God.

Damnation may scare him, but pollution does not.
Hell may scare him, but offending God does not.


Now that, all sinners are not completely insensitive to God's Word, may be seen in these examples, from the Bible;
[1] 2 Peter 2;20-22-[Turn].

[2] The soil of Matthew 13 produces stalks, but no fruit-

[3] Acts 26;27-38-''King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets/ I know that thou believest. Then
Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.''

[4] Ezekiel 33;30-33-[Turn].

[5] Natural security of the lost man-Luke 11;21-''When a strong man armed jkeepeth his palace, his goods are in peace;''

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