Thursday, June 26, 2008


John 3;16-[Turn].

God attaches to Himself, in every generation, those who become His, by Regeneration.
They are no longer a part of The World, that lies in The Evil One.
But, The World, that is regenerated, that abides in Him.
When Salvation's process is completed, then, the task, which Christ took upon Himself, shall also be completed;
and The World, shall be saved.

The Wicked World of Sinful Men will be transformed into One of Righteousness.

The Statement, ''The World shall be saved through CHRIST,'' is a conception, independent of the idea, that every individual shall be saved, through Him. . . .

John set forth a Propitiation, not for every individual person, but one, in intention and design, effecting a renewal, so vast, as to issue in an ordered world, ''The New Heavens and The New Earth''.

You see, John 3;16 is a vision, of The Consummated Purpose of God's immeasurable Love.
It is a vision of The Saved World.

Now, Those Who emphasize ''Free Will'' will object to what, I have given you, on John 3;16.
Their Cry is,''such teaching limits The Atonement''.

But, every Religionist limits The Atonement-Those, who believe in ''Free Will'' limit its ''QUALITY,''
And those, who believe in ''Free Grace'' limit its ''EXTENT''.

Now, according to God's Word, I'd rather be accused of limiting the extent, not the quality of Redemption.

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