Friday, June 27, 2008


Every Religious Person limits the atonement, those who believe in ''Free Will'' limit its quality, while those who believe in ''Free Grace'' limit its extent.
Now, according to God's Word, I rather be accused of limiting the extent, not the quality of

Someone has said, ''The things which we have to choose between, are an atonement of high value, or an atonement of wide extension-The two cannot go together'' [unquote].

Now, I must remind you, that the value of Christ's Atonement was INFINITE.
Just as it is necessary, for the sun, to give off as much heat, for only one plant, to grow upon the earth,
as for the whole world to be covered with vegetation,
so, it was necessary for Christ Jesus, to suffer as much for the salvation of one soul, as He would, if all Mankind were to be saved.

You see, if you make Redemption universal, You will destroy its inherent value.
If It is applied to all men alike, and some are lost,the conclusion is, that it makes salvation objectively possible for all, but does not subjectively save anyone.

If the atonement's benefits are universal and unlimited, then, the benefit of the sacrifice, was to blot out the curse,but not, to perfectly satisfy the demands of Divine Justice.

Now, before leaving John 3;16-I want to ask you 4 questions, and then seek, to give The
Biblical Answers.
I will relate The Answers, The Bible teaches, to each question, after stating what those, who believe in Free Will, have to say.

Number 1-What is that love, which was the cause of The Father, sending The Son, into The
Those who believe in Free Will say, ''It was a natural propensity, to The Good of All Mankind.''

Those of us, who believe in Free Grace say, ''Love is not an inclination of God's Nature, but an act of His Divine Will.''

There was no imperfection in God's Love.
A natural affection for all, and not completed and perfected in all, is weak and imperfect.
This could never be attributed to The All-Sufficient God.

Number 2-Who are the objects of God's Love/
Those who believe in Free Will say, ''Christ is offered unto all men without exception.''

Those of us, who believe in Free Grace say, ''God's Love intended the salvation of some''.
If the word ''World'' means every person without exception, then His Love was defeated, because it was not made effectual in All.

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