Wednesday, August 6, 2008


John 5;40-''And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life''.
The Arminian argument on this verse, is as follows;
One-Man has a will.
Two-He is entirely free.
Three- Men must make themselves willing to come to Christ, otherwise, They will not be saved,

Now, This sounds plausible to one, with limited knowledge of the Holy Bible, but in the light of The
Revelation of God's Mind, we present four unanswerable arguments;

One-Everyone outside of Christ is a spiritually dead man;
therefore, he will not come to Christ, that he might have life.

Two-There's life in Jesus Christ, but John 5;40 says ''Ye will not come to me''.

Three-There's life for everyone that comes to Christ for it, but the text says, ''Ye will not come,''

Four-N o man, by nature, will ever come to Christ. [John 6;44]--[TURN].


Therefore the sinner, apart from Divine help, is unable to will and unwilling, to be able, to come to Jesus Christ.

According to the context of John 3;16-21, there are two different worlds and two different loves;
One is from Above, and the other from beneath.

There is 1st of all, the world that God so loved, that He gave His only Begotten Son.
And, Second, there is the world, that lies in darkness-I John 5;19-[Turn].

This world loves Darkness rather than Light-John 3;19-20-[Turn].
Thus, the world, outside of Christ, lies in darkness, and is void of spiritual light and life.

What is meant, by the expression, ''Freedom of The Will''/
The Dictionary states;
''The faculty of conscious and particularly of deliberate action; The power of control, the mind has over its own actions-THE FREEDOM OF THE WILL.
The power of choosing one's own actions; the art or process of choosing, or asserting one's choice;
Volition-my hands are obedient to my will'' [unquote].

Freedom, therefore, means;
''The state of being at liberty rather than being in confinement, or under restraint-Exemption from external control, interference, or regulation.

Free Will means the doctrine that human action expresses personal choice, and is not solely determined by physical or Divine forces--made or done freely of one's accord, voluntarily''

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