Saturday, August 9, 2008


John 3;1-21

As we bring our studies on Regeneration and Conversion to a close, we want to warn you about a theory, being proclaimed, Today.
It is base upon a few verses, whose scope is confined to God's People.

The Belief has been erroneously applied, to mean that, at The Cross, the sin question was settled;
that all the sins, of all men, were placed upon Jesus Christ.

This opinion affirms that Jesus Christ did as much for those, who would not believe, as He did, for all who believe.
Thus, those who advocate this theory, say, the one issue between Christ and Sinners, is not the sin question, but, it is The Son question.
This is another product of the past 20 Century's Liberalism.

We shall now show, The Folly of This Theory--
NUMBER 1-UNBELIEF IS A SIN-If all the sins of all men were laid upon Jesus Christ, then The
Sin of Unbelief was laid upon Him.

If Unbelief is a sin, and Christ didn't suffer the penalty of it, then all sin wasn't laid on The Lord
Jesus Christ. Wouldn't this limit The Atonement to Believers/

The Power of Unbelief resides in a man's depraved condition.

NUMBER 2-Christ said, ''Ye shall die in your sins.''
JOHN 8;21-24--''Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins; whither I go, ye cannot come. Then said the Jews, Will he hill himself/ because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above; ye are of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins; for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.''
The Lord was speaking of that, Which lay on the other side, of His Death and Resurrection.

Christ didn't bear these sins. Notice it says ''SINS,'' not Sin.
They Jews did not seek Christ where they could find Him. They didn't seek The Suffering
Saviour, so Christ said, ''Whither I go ye cannot come.''
He ascended to Heaven, but they couldn't go There, apart from Christ.

NUMBER 3-The Dead shall be judged, according to their works--Revelation 20;12-[Turn].
If the only issue between God and Sinners, is their attitude toward Christ, if the only ground of condemnation is rejecting Christ-It would be meaningless to arraign them, for their works.

NUMBER 4-There will be degrees of punishment--
Matthew 11;22-''But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.''
Mark 12;40-''Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers; these shall receive greater damnation.''
Hebrews 10;28-29-[Turn].
If all the sins of all men were laid on Christ, how could there be any degrees of punishment for the lost/

NUMBER 5-The UnEvangelized have not heard of Christ.
Not having heard of Him, they couldn't be charged with rejecting Him, if all the sins of men were laid upon Christ. If this was true, John 14;6 would be false.
The Unbeliever is condemned in Adam, but incurs new condemnation, after hearing The Gospel.

Only The Hopelessly Lost know, What Salvation delivers from;
Only The Saved in Heaven, know What God's Salvation delivers to.
Both know these things imperfectly.
Eternity will disclose new horrors in Hell and new glories in Heaven.

Unbelief is two-fold; Negative and Positive.
Negative is the unbelief of the heathen, who have never heard The Gospel-How can they believe on Him, whom they never heard of/

Positive is the sin of those, who, hear The Gospel, but make light of it, and think, it is foolishness, thus incurring new condemnation-Hebrews 10;28-29-[Turn].

If you profess to know Christ, ask yourself if Regeneration came before your Conversion.
It must in God's order of Salvation.


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