Thursday, August 7, 2008


Now, I want to raise some important questions;

NUMBER ONE--Does Freedom mean that man is a self-sufficient being/
I Corinthians 3;5-[Turn].

NUMBER TWO--Is there a self--determining factor in the will of man/
Arminians call this factor The Freedom of the Will.

If The Will determines itself, then the action is both the cause and effect.
How can it be both/

Every effect has a cause, and there is one uncaused cause.
By necessity, the uncaused cause must be Eternal and Unchangeable.

No act of The Will can come into existence, without a cause, which supposes every act of The Will determined with some act of The Will coming before it.

NUMBER THREE--Is The Will inclined to do something before it exerts its own power on itself/
If this were true, then the inclination, is not wholly of itself.

It is absurd to suppose that man can have an inclination, to do something good, which is contrary to his nature.

Man by Nature, is sinful;
Therefore, He doesn't have any inclination for good, in a spiritual sense.

NUMBER FOUR--Does Liberty consist in The Will determining Its own acts/
If this is true, then The Will makes a choice prior to understanding.

There can be no act of The Will without some motive of inducement.

If The Will is not determined by some outside power, then it seeks, desires, and chooses nothing.

NUMBER FIVE--Is Man Free, or is he enslaved/
The Slavery of Fallen Man is the only Biblical approach to the subject.

Failure to set the proper approach is the root cause of the problem.
Man, by nature, is enslaved to sin, and can be made free only by the grace of The Sovereign
God in Regeneration.

Freedom in Theology is the freedom of the man of God.

The Will that determines is The Will, that must be determined.
Therefore, if The Will is determined, there must be The Determiner.

What is The Determiner/

The student of Scripture knows that inward actions are above The Sinner's Ability to direct
toward a good cause because;
1. The Fountain is bad--
2. The Tree is corrupt--
3. The Mind is darkened--
4. The Heart is deceived--
5. Darkness rather than Light is loved.
If it were possible, for The Depraved Will to be convinced with Divine Truth, It would hate Error, not Truth.

The common view of Liberty is that man does as he pleases, but that, is inconsistent with liberty.
This would make fallen man embrace the very thing that he will not let God possess.
According to this view, God has no virtue at all, and is under necessity.

God is The Highest of All; His virtue is not rewardable.
He is infinitely above any receiving of reward from the creature, and is eternally happy and free.
His creatures therefore, cannot be profitable to Him.
God doesn't live for His Creatures, but for Himself.

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